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in a theatre
near you

15/9, 16h30 - Ostend Film Festival, Kinepolis Ostend

17/9, 20h - Cinema ZED, Leuven

18/9, 19h - Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris (screening of SERVAIS, book launch of L'Eternel Présent and Q&A with Raoul Servais)

28/9, 17h30 - Cinema ZED, Leuven

10/10, 20h - School of Arts Miry room, Gent (Film Fest Gent, co-organised with KASK, Raoul Servais v.z.w., Stad Gent) (tickets)

25/10, 20u15 - Filmhuis Klappei, Antwerp (make your reservation)

7/11, 20h - Cinema Zuid, Antwerp

20/22, 19u30 - Cinema RITCS, Brussel (in aanwezigheid van Rudy Pinceel en Raoul Servais (o.v.), tickets)

12/12-16/2, 19u45 - Cinema Flagey, Brussel (8 screenings, avant-première in aanwezigheid van Rudy Pinceel, tickets)

19/2, 20u30 - KASKcinema, Gent (gesprek met regisseur Rudy Pinceel + vertoning Nachtvlinders)

a screening?

SERVAIS can come to you, and even provide a full evening programme.

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